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Recent Posts by eagadmin


 Although water seems plentiful, droughts and shortages can happen anywhere and it’s helpful to know the difference between conservation and efficiency. Water conservation includes all of the policies, programs and practices designed to help people change their behaviours and use less water. The goal is to use only the water needed; for example, turning off…
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In an ideal world everything manufactured by people would automatically be either repurposed or reduced to its component parts and recycled for other uses, thereby presenting a sustainable, closed loop that wasted no resources. Being an imperfect world, unfortunately, results in our unwanted goods ending up in a landfill. Can we turn that situation around?…
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ENVIRO RX, February 2019

We want to thank everyone who attended our second annual Environmental Leadership Awards luncheon on January 31. EAGs commitment is to recognize individuals and organizations related, in any way to healthcare, who demonstrate leadership towards improving all aspects of environmental health and processes within their organization. Your presence helped to make this event a great…
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Environmental risks have become more apparent particularly in the last decade as droughts, heat stress and floods affect the world’s industries, populations and ecosystems. Proper management of an organization’s energy, natural resources and waste has a substantial effect on its environmental performance. As organizations continue to meet their stakeholder’s expectations on responsible environmental and social…
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Who doesn’t appreciate the sight and sound of a babbling brook, beautiful rivers and majestic oceans. It seems reasonable, therefore, to think we must all agree on the importance of taking time to reflect on water stewardship. This means not only doing the right thing, it's also about generating resulting business benefits as well. If…
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The development and evolution of the chemical industry is directly responsible for many of the technical advancements that have emerged since the late 19th century. However, it was not until the 1980s that the environment became a priority for the chemical industry. This was prompted largely by stricter environmental regulations and a need to address the sector’s poor…
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In the mid-to-late 1990s, corporate sustainability was still viewed as an add-on. Stakeholder concerns, resource pressures and societal damage were failing to influence business. Most companies continued to focus purely on economic gains. The 1997 Kyoto Protocol pushed climate action into the policy sphere and politicians began to push more demands onto the private sector.…
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No doubt many of the ways we harm our environment come back to haunt us in the form of sickness. The realization that the pesticide-laced foods we eat, the smokestack-befouled air we breathe and the petrochemical-based products we use negatively affect our quality of life is a big part of the reason so many people have…
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Common sense tells us that a sound environment is important to human health. However, only in recent years have science and technology provided us with ways to measure the correlation between a healthy environment and a healthy body. Advances in the field of environmental health have taught us much about human health hazards; for example, air pollution…
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ENVIRO RX, April 2018

If Earth had no atmosphere, it would be a frozen planet without life. Gases in the atmosphere temporarily trap some of the energy from the sun and convert it to heat, which maintains an average surface temperature on earth that is capable of sustaining life. Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the…
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Every day grocery stores across Canada are doling out tens of thousands of thin plastic bags. We all know how many of these bags end up on our streets and sidewalks, in our trees and waterways. Effective January1 of this year Montreal's new bylaw banning single-use plastic bags went into effect, making it the first…
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It is with great pride on January 31, 2018 on behalf of EAG, we were able to shine a spotlight on companies who are working diligently towards continuous improvement in their environmental health and safety processes. They have been, and continue to improve waste management in all areas, in responsible purchasing, adherence to government laws…
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Enviro RX, January 2018

Earlier this week was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a holiday in the U.S. During the day, I heard many media messages of hope and inspiration, including the iconic “I have a dream....” There is no question that Dr. King was a leader and a visionary. Today, more than ever, we need examples…
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ENVIRO RX, December 2017

Listening and talking to people that have a direct interest in your business is key to earning trust and creating an environment where people take pride in working for, and engaging with you. Understanding and prioritizing the things that matter most to you and your stakeholders is essential to ensure your business can have the…
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We know environmental pollution comes in various forms including air, water, soil, etc.  Each one of us is a stakeholder as we are all inhabitants of this one and only mother earth, and each one of us can contribute something to advance environmental pollution mitigation measures. You and I should therefore accept personal responsibility for…
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