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Recent Posts by eagadmin

Enviro RX, July 2016

Earth’s finite resources are being stretched to the limit by rapid population growth, air, water and soil pollution, and much more. In the face of our complex global problems, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless, and to find ourselves asking, “What difference can one person make?” The answer is that one person can…
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Enviro RX, June 2016

Pope Francis recently said that the world will continue on “the spiral of self-destruction which currently engulfs us,” unless everyone works together to find solutions to the environmental crisis through dialogue and transparency. This dialogue must occur on the local, national and international level, and should include people from business, politics, science, religion and the…
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Enviro RX, May 2016

Some people think that even if they try to help the environment, it is fruitless because of the enormity of the task. "Other people are just going to pollute it and destroy it again" the thinking goes. But by doing nothing, aren't we also guilty of apathy? Even if it doesn’t seem to make a difference, doing little things, such as…
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Enviro RX, April 2016

Yesterday I was asked by a friend if I had seen a recent interview by Peter Mansbridge of Dr. David Suzuki in honour of his 80th birthday. I have not yet seen it but was quite intrigued; apparently toward the end Mansbridge asks him "Are we too late?" or something to that effect. The presence of…
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Enviro RX, March 2016

In the words of Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization, “climate change will be the defining issue for health systems in the 21st century. Health professionals have the knowledge, cultural authority, and responsibility to protect health from climate change.” During the recent COP21 the health sector committed to leading the way toward…
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Enviro RX, February 2016

Among all the planets in the universe, the Earth is the loveliest, with mountains, oceans, and all manner of environments, each a home to many kinds of creatures. Mother Earth sustains all life on it, including us humans. But her health is declining and she's losing her ability to protect and provide for the creatures…
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Enviro RX, January 2016

To all our EAG customers we wish you a happy and prosperous 2016! As we look to the future it is undeniable how climate change is receiving global attention to a greater degree than ever before. The World Health Organisation recently launched its first ever Call to Action on climate change. Although climate change represents…
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Enviro RX, December 2015

Everyone has a part to play in reducing waste. We all need to look at our daily habits and make a change, whether it’s turning the lights out if not in a room, making sure electrical items are not left on standby, printing only when necessary and then double-sided, recycle and reuse wherever possible. The…
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Enviro RX, November 2015

Ever since the damage done to the environment came to the fore as one of the modern world’s most urgent problems, discussions concerning who causes it and whose task it is to solve it have become prevalent. It seems to me we cannot just point towards one business or practice and blame them for all…
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Enviro RX, October 2015

Healthcare facilities in the U.S. that generate hazardous waste pharmaceuticals have reported difficulties complying with some hazardous waste regulations. One of the concerns raised by stakeholders is that healthcare workers, whose primary focus is to provide care for patients, are not knowledgeable about hazardous waste regulations, but are often involved in the implementation of the…
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Enviro Rx, September 2015

Packaging is as critical to modern life as the water supply system. Towns and cities could not exist without it and today more than half the global population live in urban areas. Ten times more resources go into producing products than making their packaging so the packaging has to ensure that those resources do not…
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Enviro Rx, August 2015

By now it is no surprise that bottled water is wasteful. The environmental cost of the massive consumption of bottled water has led some U.S. and Canadian local governments to consider a ban on its sale. This may seem an extreme response however the scientific concerns are well-founded and the facts may surprise and concern…
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Enviro Rx, July 2015

Religion and the environment may seem like an odd couple but researchers, congregations and companies are all beginning to look through this lens for new ideas. For companies and investors, the Pope’s call for all people to do their part to tackle climate change could mean a new segment of consumers with an appetite for…
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Enviro Rx, June 2015

Ask yourself if you have ever disposed of unused or outdated medication by flushing it down the toilet or by tossing it in the garbage. Sadly, most of us must admit we have done this at one time or another. So what is the best way to get rid of them? Individually, all that is…
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Enviro Rx, May 2015

Clean water is a basic need for human life, and for many of us it is not something that requires a lot of thought or effort. As Canadians we have the good fortune to be recipients of one of nature’s most generous water supplies due to our many glaciers, lakes, rivers and streams. We know this…
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