Let’s use this month’s ‘Earth Day’ celebration to remind ourselves that while recycling is a very important tool, so too ‘Reduce and Reuse’ are of equal value. For example, how would ‘reduce’ manifest in your life? Ask yourself –do I really need this? How did the production of this product impact the environment and what further impacts will there be with the disposal of the product (and associated packaging materials)? When thinking about buying something, try the 30-Day Rule – wait 30 days after the first time you decide you want a product to actually make your decision. This will eliminate impulse buying (the environment and your budget will benefit.) By making the effort to reduce what you own, you will naturally purchase less/create less waste in the future. Only keep belongings that you use/enjoy on a regular basis. By making the effort to reduce what you own, you will naturally purchase less/create less waste in the future. Reuse can be particularly challenging in the healthcare field. With the concept of convenience came disposable. However, being diligent about embracing reuse opportunities is something each of us can practice whether at home or at work. Another tool at our disposal is to buy used products whenever possible. If your blue bin is full to the brim each week, maybe you need another solution.
– Lisa James.