Let’s talk about your sustainability goals. eag@enviroadvisory.ca

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So far eag-admin has created 78 blog entries.

Enviro RX, February 2017

We all know the saying "reduce, reuse, recycle". And yet, way too many of us overlook these principles. Let’s ask ourselves why we should "reduce, reuse, recycle?” One of the most personal reasons is because eco-friendly habits save us money. Eliminating waste usually leads to an elimination of harmful chemicals in our homes as well.

Enviro RX, February 20172017-02-13T22:25:37+00:00

Enviro RX, January 2017

Whether you're sitting at your desk, kicking back at home or just about anywhere else, stop and take a moment to look around. How many things in your immediate vicinity are made of plastic? From reusable coffee cups to computer keyboards to compostable plastic food containers, stuff made out of polymers is everywhere. The good

Enviro RX, January 20172017-01-23T20:03:08+00:00

Enviro RX, December 2016

Microbeads are tiny pieces of plastic that are added to everyday cosmetic products such as face wash, toothpaste, abrasive cleaners and lots more. They are small enough to go down your plughole and easily pass water filtration systems. Some 100,000 microbeads are washed down the sink with a single application of some products, ending up

Enviro RX, December 20162016-12-13T17:29:00+00:00

Enviro RX, November 2016

What does a circular economy mean? The bottom line, its one in which materials are kept in circulation for as long as possible, allowing them to be used again and again. Circular solutions start on the drawing board.  Redesigning products so that they use fewer materials and last longer; are easy to maintain so that

Enviro RX, November 20162016-12-13T17:25:22+00:00

Enviro RX, October 2016

Recently, while enjoying my morning coffee and attempting to catch up on my business reading I came upon an interesting article highlighting the Vancouver-based Ethical Bean Company. Ethical Bean is famous for their fair trade certified organic coffee. The company has recently announced it is taking another step with an innovative solution to the ever-increasing

Enviro RX, October 20162016-12-13T17:22:02+00:00

Enviro RX, September 2016

Excess CO2 acts as a blanket, trapping heat and warming the planet. CO2 survives in the atmosphere for a long time—up to many centuries—so its heat-trapping effects are compounded over time. If the global economy remains dependent on fossil fuels for its energy needs it poses severe risks to natural systems and to human health

Enviro RX, September 20162016-09-17T18:46:55+00:00

Enviro RX, August 2016

According to David Suzuki close to half of all food produced worldwide is wasted, once produced. Waste occurs at various points of the food supply system, but, according to experts, the biggest source of waste is households. I am constantly surprised when on garbage day, neighbours appear to have little or NO food waste out

Enviro RX, August 20162016-08-11T23:05:14+00:00

Enviro RX, July 2016

Earth’s finite resources are being stretched to the limit by rapid population growth, air, water and soil pollution, and much more. In the face of our complex global problems, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless, and to find ourselves asking, “What difference can one person make?” The answer is that one person can

Enviro RX, July 20162016-08-11T22:50:16+00:00

Enviro RX, June 2016

Pope Francis recently said that the world will continue on “the spiral of self-destruction which currently engulfs us,” unless everyone works together to find solutions to the environmental crisis through dialogue and transparency. This dialogue must occur on the local, national and international level, and should include people from business, politics, science, religion and the

Enviro RX, June 20162016-06-23T18:12:38+00:00

Enviro RX, May 2016

Some people think that even if they try to help the environment, it is fruitless because of the enormity of the task. "Other people are just going to pollute it and destroy it again" the thinking goes. But by doing nothing, aren't we also guilty of apathy? Even if it doesn’t seem to make a difference, doing little things, such as

Enviro RX, May 20162016-06-23T18:11:29+00:00