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Monthly Archives: January 2018

Enviro RX, January 2018

Earlier this week was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a holiday in the U.S. During the day, I heard many media messages of hope and inspiration, including the iconic “I have a dream....” There is no question that Dr. King was a leader and a visionary. Today, more than ever, we need examples…
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ENVIRO RX, December 2017

Listening and talking to people that have a direct interest in your business is key to earning trust and creating an environment where people take pride in working for, and engaging with you. Understanding and prioritizing the things that matter most to you and your stakeholders is essential to ensure your business can have the…
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We know environmental pollution comes in various forms including air, water, soil, etc.  Each one of us is a stakeholder as we are all inhabitants of this one and only mother earth, and each one of us can contribute something to advance environmental pollution mitigation measures. You and I should therefore accept personal responsibility for…
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ENVIRO RX, October 2017

  Since 1990 EAG has had the privilege of working hand in hand with many hospitals, pharma companies, healthcare facilities and their employees to assist with their environmental goals and achievements. Over the years we have seen tremendous environmental improvement in commitment to excellence. And so here we are now, eagerly anticipating being able to…
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ENVIRO RX, September 2017

It has been estimated we waste roughly 40 percent of all the food we produce. Shame on us! This is an environmental disaster. Food production is a resource-intensive process, requiring water, energy, land, human labour plus an elaborate web of production, processing and distribution infrastructure. When we throw away food we also squander all these…
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