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Enviro RX e-Newsletters

Enviro Rx, April 2015

Let’s use this month’s ‘Earth Day’ celebration to remind ourselves that while recycling is a very important tool, so too ‘Reduce and Reuse’ are of equal value. For example, how would 'reduce' manifest in your life? Ask yourself –do I really need this? How did the production of this product impact the environment and what…
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Enviro Rx, March 2015

Spring has sprung... finally! After this punishing winter, it is a joy to finally be seeing the first signs of spring. Our quote this month, by Rachel Carson, brings to mind her landmark book “Silent Spring” – published in 1962. In it, she predicted that unbridled use of synthetic chemicals, particularly DDT, would lead to…
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Enviro Rx, Feb 2015

The practice of illegal dumping has a serious impact on the environment through contamination of land and pollution of water bodies. This can subsequently impact negatively on people’s health. Cleaning of illegal dumping is costly and counter-productive, as it dilutes the available funding and resources for waste management and other much needed municipal services. Although…
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Enviro RX, Jan 2015

Once upon a time, the amount of waste generated was considered small enough to be diluted in the environment. With massive industrialization and urbanization, a new concept followed this somewhat optimistic view: “concentrate and contain”. Its objective was to eliminate the waste or at least protect the population from its grasp, which generally involved either…
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Enviro RX, Dec 2014

Simply disposing of waste (either dumping it in a hole or burning it) should be our absolute last option for dealing with leftover materials. For example, the Green Dot system is how the vast majority of European companies comply with the European Union Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, which makes companies 100% responsible for the…
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Enviro RX, Nov 2014

As Canadians we expect to have our environment protected. However, in a report from Julie Gelfand, Canada’s Commissioner of the Environment, we are being short-changed. She said that in many key areas it was not clear how the government intends to address the significant environmental challenges that future growth and development will likely bring about.…
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